Tuesday, January 12, 2016

[TSOM-Announce] Mini-Beginni Lessons for the New Tango Dancer and the New Year

Dear Tango Friends,

A very happy New Year to you! (It’s still fresh J)


There’s never enough time in a day or a year, so we’re eager to get started at Desperados! And getting started is what we are hoping to share.


We would like to have even more friends on the milonga floor in 2016, and to help that along, we will offer absolutely free, 30-minute Beginner Lessons ( Mini-Beginni lessons) each Monday at 7:00pm, right before our regular Monday practica. This will commence on 18 January (MLK Day)


Some may be excited (we hope!) Some of you may be alarmed! (Maybe you should beJ ) but please read onward.


This will be an absolute beginner’s lesson.  The idea is that anyone with an interest to discover whether Tango is something they would like and could do, has a chance to explore that question in a place with friendly people, without the social pressure of a dance, and where they can meet our community in a relaxed setting.  If they like us, the music, and the feeling of the dance, it’s a win for everyone.


We will share the bare bones basics. For instance: Weight changes, walk in parallel, Open and Cross steps, Rock Steps, Basic 8, turn to the right/left.  Some of our members have volunteered to be taxi dancers, and we hope more will rotate in.  This should help their first tango experience to be successful. When new dancers like this, they will want more. When they want more, we will refer them to TSOM site to find teachers that suit their needs and personalities.


Desperados is not changing our Practica structure. At 7:30, the floor is open for practice, and we’ll carry on as usual! (but we hope you’ll make New Dancers and Each Other welcome!)

We are not getting into the teaching business.. the absolute beginner lessons are free, and very limited in scope.  (Mini-Beginni-TangoTasters)   Full tango banquets are served by our excellent teachers outside of Practica!    We are getting into the recruiting business just a little.  So if you have friend that has wanted to try it, and maybe needed another little reason to get moving… Please invite them.   When they like tango, and we hope many will, they’ll need lessons. That’s how we’re relying on our teaching community to make out new friends into fine dancers, who will join us at milongas and at practicas.


While we realize that several teachers are busy on Mondays at 7:00, all teachers are invited to contact Scott or myself to arrange to teach the mini-beggini lessons for few weeks whenever their schedule allows. Teachers that do volunteer for the MiniBeginni (MB) lessons, will have a chance to meet and influence any new dancers we encounter.  If we don’t have volunteer teachers available, we will use our volunteer dancers with sufficient experience and temperament (willing/with toes of steel) to cover the MiniBeginni lessons.


All of our teachers running classes are invited to send us their promotional materials, which we’ll keep on the table for new dancers of all origins who come to visit our practica.  Please email, snail mail, or meet us to deliver whatever you have to share on your organized classes. The more choices folk have, the more dancers will find a class that suits them.


So this has been too many words, but here’s the summary:

We want new happy tango dancers

We’ll share a little bit of the tango basics from 7 to 7:30 on Mondays

Teachers are invited to help, Desperados are invited to bring their TangoCurious friends

Practica will carry on as usual at 7:30 onward. Nice music, nice peeps, nice floor.


Wishing you a very excellent New Year!


Scott, Michael, and your friends at Desperados


Ps. Scott and I want to thank the many Desperados who have enthusiastically volunteered to help the TangoCurious find their true paths.  Your generosity is very heartening to us indeed!!


Tango Desperados


The Eagles Aerie
25th Avenue and 25th Street
Southeast Minneapolis

Small Ballroom, Monday Evenings, 7:30 p.m. until 10:00 ish!

Drop-In Rate -- $5.00
Quarterly, 13-Week Subscription Rate -- $40.00


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