Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Hello everybody,

As for tomorrow I will leave the topic open to what the majority wants, you can ask anything but we will have to stick with one thing and develop until the end of class.
I hope everybody is back from the "blues" of the season and start coming back to classes.
If you haven't noticed yet, dancing is the best remedy for your blues, moving your body generates endorfines and specially if you do it from your heart as you do it in tango.
Come, have fun, meet new students, help new students, and after all that learn to dance argentine tango as you are in Argentina.
what else you can ask from a class that close to where you leave.
This is priceless!!!!

Teresa will be substituting for Sarah tomorrow and she will be registering students before 8 pm.
Come early to register after 7:40 pm so we can all start on time at  8 pm and end by 9:30.

Teresa will be assisting the class as well, she has been attending my performing group rehearsals and she has been in my classes for many years, you are going to like Teresa.

For your inspiration watch this video:

See you all tomorrow!!!
(For TSOM list will be today thursday the 24th!!)


Florencia Taccetti
U of M Affiliated Dance Faculty

"All human beings have in their inner selves, in their souls,
a very mellow sound, their note,
which is the uniqueness of their being, their essence.
If the sound of their actions
does not harmonize with that note, that person can not be happy. " Sophia Prokofieva

"Todo ser humano tiene en su interior, en su alma,
un sonido bajito, su nota,
que es la singularidad de su ser, su esencia.
Si el sonido de sus actos
no coincide con esa nota, esa persona no puede ser feliz. "   Sophia Prokofieva

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