Monday, December 12, 2016

[TSOM-Announce] Tango with Loisa, back from Buenos Aires: Classes, parties, Boutique, etc

Classes and events in tango this week with Loisa
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Regular Group Lessons Class and Event Calendar
  • Tuesday: Beginning Tango 6:30-7:45PM - Intermed: 7:45-9 PM
  • Thursday: Advanced tango, 7:30-9PM 
  • Saturday: Beginning tango 10:00 - 11:30AM
  • Regular Saturday workshops in essential topics
Regular Public Dances
  • Tuesday Tango Party 9:00  Milonga with talk, food and wine, 3142 1st Ave S, 55408. $5
Classes this Week: This week and next, we are going to be focusing on some of the great things I learned in my recent trip to Buenos Aires! This year, I had the fortune of being able to hang out with teachers who teach tango teachers in a 3 year course in BA. I learned that they demand their students pass written tests on history, culture, music and body structures. In my classes we cover the same - not just moves, but culture, musicality, history, connection - all the things that are essential to really understanding tango - not just mimicking moves. Of course Argentine tango is not just another ballroom dance - it is so much more!  Do you truly want to understand more about the connection and embrace of tango? Come to classes! Saturday 10AM is your best value. Thursday 7:30 class: If you are ready to work towards being able to keep the embrace even through more complicated moves, then you're ready for this class. I see a lot of people, leaders and followers, opening the embrace when it is not necessary, and detracts from the move and the dance. Let's fix this! 

Tuesday Party: A special treat for the Tuesday night milonga - Passport to Romania! Our good friend Maria Andrews is going to treat us to a special introduction to her home country. She is making special Romanian dishes for us, plus we'll have some Romanian wine and even some Romanian tangos. International Night at the Tuesday Party! $5 Plus a great time to shop at the Tango Boutique.

Private Lessons: Are you not really getting all you need out of the group lessons you're taking? (It's almost impossible to learn tango well on just group lessons) Do you want to accelerate your learning? (One private lesson is worth about 5 group lessons). Are you a little shy about learning with other people? (Group lessons are good, but I understand). Contact me and we'll set up privates. 

Upcoming:  New Year's Eve? Of course we have to have a tango party.  I know somebody who has got something in the works!

Musings: I often get a little misty when I look at my classes and parties and see the joy that tango has brought to so many people. I see the friendships and connections that have formed that go beyond the dance, the way that tango brings people together, the way that tango can fill people. I know this doesn't happen to everyone - some people I think may expect things from tango that they aren't getting, and feel that they don't fit in. They feel they are not good enough, not young enough, not thin enough, just not enough. This is where a little time in a Buenos Aires milonga can help. There I see the embrace of friends to beautiful music. It's not about how many moves you can fit into a dance, or how many people are watching or how much attention you can get. It's simple, it's beautiful, it's loving and affirming. But it does take two. Let's all give that, and let's all affirm that, with every embrace.
Dance Boutique

Tango Boutique!

New arrivals! Clothes, shoes and accessories for the dancer.  Clothes that fit, stay on, have color, flow beautifully, with real style.  And great prices! Shoes from $60 to $150.  All clothes under $100. Come and shop during parties and get an unbiased opinion from seasoned tango dancers. :)
Buenos Aires milonga

Buenos Aires!

Time to plan for 2017~ if you want to go on my tour! The next trip will be in November to December. Pick the dates that work for you and let me know so I can arrange housing. Limited space is available, so that I can give you the attention you deserve. We have so much fun!
Copyright © 2016 Dance with Lois Donnay, All rights reserved. 
Our address is:
Dance with Lois Donnay
3142 1st Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55408 612.822.8436

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