Wednesday, May 7, 2014

[TSOM-Announce] Milonga a la Seine!

Christopher is in China. He has asked me to take over this Friday night's milonga on May 9th. Recently, many of us have been enjoying the Parisian travel pix and Facebook comments from Susan, Gail and Katerina as they walk, dance and eat their way through Paris.  Let's put our "French on"...whatever that may mean...and have a tres bon milonga this Friday at Four Seasons Dance Studio. I will entice you with French wines and cheeses, berets and even French tangos!
Our featured DJ will be the one and only, Eric Li. Just back djing from the Natural Tango Festival in Denver, he wowed a club space of savvy dancers to a roaring concluding ovation!
Come and dance to a 70/30 eclectic program of traditional and alternative music.
Four Seasons is the perfect place to enjoy a little Springtime in Paris!
Milonga a la Seine, from 9:30pm-1:30am
Entry $10 / Student discount applies

1 comment:

  1. Forgot to mention that Milonga a la Seine will be hosted by Sandra Uri ;-)
