Thursday, January 8, 2015

[TSOM-Announce] TSoM Board Elections: Saturday Jan 10th 2015

Dear TSoM Member,
This weekend at the 2nd Saturday TSoM Milonga, you will be able elect the future members of the TSoM Board of Directors.  TSoM Elections are a formal process that needs to be followed, and your vote should be based on what you think will be best for the tango community. It's important that you vote because the future of TSoM and its actions depend on that.

Please read the information below.
Thank you and see you at the Milonga!

You will be voting for the following candidates and positions:
For Secretary:
-       Fran Howley (currently a member-at-large, candidate to fill the position of Secretary for a 2-year term)
For Treasurer:
-       John Tuthill (new to the Board, candidate to fill the position of Treasurer for a 2-year term)
For Members-at-large: new to the Board, candidates for a 2-year term:
-       Terri Davis
-       Yanhua Deng
-       Avery Harrington
-       Irene Erickson
-       Sarah Sommers
Renewal of member-at-large:
-       Nicky Bowman (currently a member-at-large, and will act as the Database manager)
Meet your candidates.  What do they say about themselves?
Terri Cox Davis:
My tango journey started in the spring of 2011.  It began when I watched Lois Donnay demonstrate and talk about tango at the Northeast Arts Crawl.  I attended my very first beginner lesson the next day at Lois' house and was – predictably – quite awful. But I stuck with it and soon loved it.  My recent trip to Buenos Aires has just reinforced that commitment to and love of the tango.  As a board member, I would bring to the table marketing, advertising, and project management skills that I utilized in my career in advertising and marketing.  If elected, I promise to do my best to help spread the joy of tango.
Yanhua Deng:
I am passionate about tango because the experience is always exciting and challenging. Tango is a never ending pursuit and learning process. As an avid tango dancer, I have been actively participating and supporting many events in the tango community since coming to Minneapolis. I am constantly expressing my passion for tango through dance, music, and photography. I am hoping by getting more involved in the TSOM board, I can share my experience and bring fresh perspectives to the community.
Sarah Sommers:
I am very aware of the impact that TSOM has had on developing our tango community. I first stumbled upon tango in the late 90's, before there were organized milongas, venues, workshops, and the significant community that we have now. I was aware of only a few milongas being held that year. One was a New Year's milonga, which I anticipated greatly and attended, dressed in my finest. Granted, still a novice, I didn't dance even once. Our community has grown not only in size and level of sophistication, but also in awareness. The pleasure that I now find within the tango community as a most significant aspect of my life, is undoubtedly due to the overwhelming generosity of spirit as well as the talent and passion of the dancers. I would like to be part of continuing to foster the excellence that TSOM has generated. And even help to further it to the next level. I feel very honored that members of the community have nominated me to become a contributor in this endeavor.
Avery Harrington:
There are two stories I like to tell people when I am asked how I got into tango, my story and my wife's story.
My story.
My wife wanted to take dance lessons. I told her, "you pick the dance and we will do it". She was asking around to get input on all of the different kinds of dance we could learn. One of her clients who is a former dance instructor told my wife "Whatever you do, do not start with tango. It is too difficult. You will take a few classes become frustrated and never take another class". I told my wife, "It is just a dance not rocket science. It looks like we are taking tango."
My wife's story.
She and some girlfriends ended up at the Loring Pasta bar one Sunday evening. There she witnessed a wonderful mix of ages and abilities, dancing to live music in a magical space.  She fell in love with the dance. Odds are some of you reading this now were there that night and helped seduce her.
Both stories are true. At this point both are irrelevant. It does not matter how we started. Now all that matters is… when is the next Milonga.
See you all there.
Fran Howley:
Oh my.....
I've been on the TSoM Board for the past year and feel ready to take on a specific assignment.   I am exceptionally time oriented and organized which are Secretarial Skills!  (Many, many years ago, I actually went to Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School for a year....yes, we wore white gloves to the school and learned short hand and typing using carbon paper!)   Be assured I have now updated my knowledge to include computers and the delete button!
Nicky Bowman:
In the fall of 2012, I signed up for an Argentine Tango class offered by U of M's dance department because one of the goals on my bucket list was to learn tango. The rest, as they say, is history. Today, I am an unrepentant tango addict. I love the complexity of tango and the richness of connection I find in the embrace. As a violinist, pianist, and classically trained singer, I also love that tango continually challenges me to be musically expressive. I'm committed to the ongoing growth of the Twin Cities tango community, and I see my involvement in TSoM as a means of supporting that growth.

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