Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Hello my dears,

The most popular Milonga Workshop ever in Minnesota is coming again in July 13th and this will be the second last before I move back to Buenos Aires at the end of August. Location to be announced soon.
Marc your calendars!!!

2 to 5:30 pm on Sunday July 13

Many people have been asking me about my mother and yes, my mother did pass away on May 31st, fortunately she was ready to leave us with a great spirit and I was happy to be able to spend a whole month with her before that.
Is always hard as days pass by and you feel her absence but is part of life and now the most important thing for me is to go back and help my siblings.
Would I ever come back to MN? I hope so, I love this place and it will be always missed but I am not a citizen here and I am a bit tired of renewing visas after 14 years, getting them is not an issue but the cost is way too high and hard to afford at this time.

This milonga intensive is going to be as fun and full of great information as the last one we had together.
We'll start from the ground up with a "candombe" warm up, and then slowly going in to milonga basics and traspie exercise on the first part of class.
We'll have a 30 minutes brake with snacks and refreshments and on the second part yes, we go strait for milonga traspie on its salon form. :)

I'll be challenging the material for the more advanced in both classes and the less experienced will just go as far as they can in order to be part of this great cultural, rhythmic experience.

Just for your entertainment I like you to watch this video of Ricardo Barrios who used to be my dance partner for the opening of "La Viruta" in Buenos Aires, 1994.
Here he is dancing a very fun milonga choreography with his wife Laura Melo.
We won't do this on class, is just to be watched. :)


Intensive Cost: $80/40 for full time students or pay as much as you can.
Practice giving and receiving and be part of the experience. Don't cut your self out!!!

See you tomorrow!!!


Florencia Taccetti
U of M Affiliated Dance Faculty

"All human beings have in their inner selves, in their souls,
a very mellow sound, their note,
which is the uniqueness of their being, their essence.
If the sound of their actions
does not harmonize with that note, that person can not be happy. " Sophia Prokofieva

"Todo ser humano tiene en su interior, en su alma,
un sonido bajito, su nota,
que es la singularidad de su ser, su esencia.
Si el sonido de sus actos
no coincide con esa nota, esa persona no puede ser feliz. "   Sophia Prokofieva

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