Tuesday, July 10, 2018

[TSOM-Announce] A Desperados Thank You

Dear Tango friends,


It’s been a fabulous journey together!

Scott and I have been hosting you with increasing pleasure every successive week since we founded Desperados back at the dawn of time.  And while time has flown, we have been busy.


We’ve had teacher tasters, travelling maestros, Share-a-move sessions, Practilonga nights, Tango history talks, Orchestral Origins, a few birthdays, Live bandoneon tandas,..we’ve raised money for hurricane relief, and a lot more!  Through it all, you have become part of us, and I like to think that we’ve all grown better together.


Desperados(AKA The people’s Practica) started with the idea that we wanted a Practica that was really for us as dancers and open for our whole community of dancers. All of us.  It was a bit of a gamble, and it certainly was an adventure, but it worked.  It worked really well!   


We are enormously proud to have a room full of you, our friends. You are the heart of a remarkable, welcoming, and collaborative group. 

Our new dancers come in, shy or not, but they go out smiling, and come back again eager.  All because you create the atmosphere of welcome.

Thank you.


I was going to stop here and save a lot of money.. But Scott has insisted I continue. So here’s the nub of it:


Come celebrate our 23rd anniversary with us, on July 23rd!


We will have the fabulous Bob Barnes and his Hiawatha Tango Orchestra playing 2 full sets of live tango for us!


We will have the Amazing DJ Jennifer Wang! 


We will turn on the sparkly lights! (that’s my contribution)


And we will enjoy the fact that you have made all this possible and worthwhile.


Oh, one more tiny thingThis event is donation only. We will take whatever you put in the box this night, and we will give it to the Eagles Charity Fund with our warm regards.


So come and dance. Bring a friend, and make two more when you arrive.




Michael, Scott, and your friends at Desperados


Tango Desperados


The Eagles Aerie
25th Avenue and 25th Street
Southeast Minneapolis

Small Ballroom, Monday Evenings, 7:30 p.m. until 10:00 ish!

Drop-In Rate -- $5.00
Quarterly, 13-Week Subscription Rate -- $40.00


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