Tuesday, May 12, 2015

[TSOM-Announce] The quick, the lucky, and the bold: Free Alex Krebs Weekend Passes for Decisive Desperados

Hello Tango Friends,


I’ve just received the names of the first 10 Decisive Desperados who have seized the moment and paid their Alex Krebs weekend passes.  As most of you know, Alex will be here 19/20/21 June with his generous and masterful teaching.  But this year, he is also bringing his tango sextet for the Saturday milonga!!! He will also DJ the Friday milonga.  This is also!!!


Our 12 most daring, decisive, and dashing Desperados who pay for the full weekend class pass will receive tickets to both milongas.  This is in some part an expression of gratitude for your being committed or committable dancers, and in part a reflection of how confused Scott and I become when we try to manage our money J.


Oh yes, 12 subtract 10, means there are 2  more passes available.   In case you have forgotten how this works, see the text at the bottom of this message written in blue.


We will deliver the passes/tickets starting Memorial Day. 


Here they are: the quick, the lucky, the daring and, the decisive…

J Carol A, Alice S, Bruce H, Katrina K, Ranja S, Mary G, Irene E, Barb H, Kori M, Marcy M J

Our thanks to our 10 winners so far, and to all of you for supporting our practica and for making our dance lives extraordinary.


Scott and I are not unique in our estimate of Alex as one of the finest tango instructors anywhere.

But we are unique, in that we have the privilege to enjoy your company on Monday nights. 

Arranging some bonus tickets for you is our way of saying thanks.


Your Desperados Extraordinaire :

Michael and Scott


Ps. If you have any questions, please shoot me an email.

Desperados Tango Practica


The Eagles Aerie
25th Avenue and 25th Street
Southeast Minneapolis

Small Ballroom, Monday Evenings, 7:30 p.m. until 10:00 ish!

Drop-In Rate -- $5.00
Quarterly, 13-Week Subscription Rate -- $40.00



Here’s how it works:


You love dancing. So naturally enough, you are a paid up Desperado! (That means you have paid $40 within the last 3 months to attend our Monday Practica at the Eagles Club without having to hassle with the $5 drop in every week. A total bargain!)


You sign up for the amazing Alex Krebs weekend in Minneapolis by connecting with Parvin Dorostkar directly, or by going to tangostudy.com where you can find the registration details.


You become one of the first 12 Desperados, who have paid for their Alex Krebs weekend. (yes.. we do have to specify paid L.)


You get free passes for the Friday and Saturday milongas!  J!!  


We dance together for two fabulous nights of extraordinarily delicious tango!!

OPENING MILONGA with ALEX KREBS as DJ: Friday 19 June 2015 - 9:30pm to 01:00am

MILONGA with l ALEX KREBS TANGO SEXTET - Saturday 20 June 2015 - 8:00pm to 01:00am   


Now we can’t cheat those intrepid and loyal Desperados who have already signed up and paid before we got this announcement out.  A count of hands showed 6 at Monday’s practica. So there are about 6 passes left.


These will be given in order of commitment to the weekend. First to pay for the weekend, first in line for Desperados Milonga passes.


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