Monday, March 31, 2014

[TSOM-Announce] Tango and I in April ( :

Hello tango loving people,

As with spring we will bring all the fresh stuff to the dance floor. Green, new growth from well established roots.

Here is what you can expect every Wednesday night at the SOCIAL DANCE STUDIO
located at 3742 23rd Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55407

We start our tango series with the beginners classes at 6.30:

This week: Getting familiar with the 8 count basic for week #1
Turns in the 8 count basic for week # 5

If you are a beginner tango dancer, you do not need to bring a partner to class. We make sure that there are always dance partners, instructors and assistants available to dance with you. You will not be sitting down in these classes! Bring shoes that you can pivot ( spin ) in easily. The first class at SDS is free, tell your friends!

All level series A and B at 7.30:

series A: The turn to the left in cross system
Turning is a "must" in argentine tango. And after learning the molinette, this month Diana will spent time on a different turn. This one can be done very rhythmically, and compact. A great turn for tight spaces and for social dancing.

series B: That darned forward boleo and the leg that will have to cooperate ( :
We worked hard last month with Sabine on understanding the concept behind the back boleo, this month it is the forward boleo's turn. In contrary to belief: the forward boleo is not more difficult or harder to lead AND you CAN lead it on a crowded dance floor IN A CLOSE EMBRACE!!!
Tango makes you wonder about all the fun things you can do with the "four legs, one body" dance.

Intermediate/Advanced level series at 8.30

Stopping vs going, How to stop on a dime, and make spur of the moment decisions. And how to follow these decisions. Fun sequences to play with, pull apart and put them back together again!


Looking forward to seeing you in class!

Sabine and Diana

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