Friday, October 21, 2016

[TSOM-Announce] Update on Midwest Tango Festival Details

Hello Twin Cities!!

So much has happened since I was last there and all good stuff!

First, I have sent flyers to communities in the following states:  WI, MO, TN, IA, IN, UT, MI, MN, CO, OH, NE, NC, SC, GA, KY, AK, OK, and of course, IL.  That's organizers within these 18 states will soon be sharing the information about the Midwest Tango Festival.  In addition, there are at least a dozen emailing lists that are sharing an electronic version of this flyer.  Reach out to your tango friends now and tell them to come join us!!  I've attached the electronic version of the flyer to this email for you to share with your friends.

I know that we've been a little slow on getting this information out there.  But finally, the venues are now available for viewing.  I would like to ask a favor of all of you...if you could please check out the website and send me any corrections or additions you would like to see.  My web developer is really busy working at his real job, so all development from now on will be on me, so if you see little mistakes, let me know.
Go to Midwest Tango Festival - home and check it out!!  And while you're at it, register!!

If you are on Facebook, go to the Midwest Tango Festival group page,  I usually announce updates and answer questions on this page, so if you can share this information with your Facebook contacts, let's try to reach as many people as we can.  We will also be setting up an event for hosting and ride sharing for visitors on Facebook as the time draws closer.  We are still trying to set up hosting for the traveling MTF2016 team.

Now to announce the members of your community who will be my Minneapolis arm when I'm not there.  I'm sure most of you will not be surprised.  Without these people, this event may not have happened!!  So I'd like to thank all of them upfront and apologize for any craziness we might lay on them in the very near future.

Traveling Team Hosting Organizer - Fran Howley
Decorating Team - Irene Erickson, Janeen Rae, Sandra Uri, Barbara Haselbeck & Linda McFadden
Catering Team - Terri Davis, Suzanne Doyle, Naseema Omer & Sarah Sommers
Logistics Team - Eric Li, Brittany Drury
Communications Team - Scott Chase
Advisory Team - Sabine Ines, Lois Donnay, Tamara Demarco, Jennifer Wang, Charlie Brown, Sandra Uri, Paul Lohman, and Chris Briscoe

A special thank you to Don Rowe for his time and Paul Lohman and Janeen Rae for letting me invade their home every month.  We also have a handful of people who have offered to help out in between family events and I want them to know that we appreciate any assistance we can get!!  If I've left anyone out, please don't take it personally!  I totally appreciate you too!!

One thing that I'd like to ask of all of you...I'd like for each of you to please answer the following question for me, if you choose.  If you had a guest visiting for only one full day (24 hours), what about Minneapolis would you want to share with them before they leave?  It's not a requirement, but I set up a page on the website on things to do in Minneapolis.  It's on there now, but it's pretty generic.  I'd like to personalize it by providing quotes from members of the community and what they take pride in with their city, neighborhoods, restaurants, and places of interest.  If you'd like to share something with potential visitors, please send it directly to me at, Subject:  Things to Do in the Twin Cities.  If you prefer to be anonymous, that's fine.  But I usually just use the first name and the last name initial.  

Thank you all for your patience and I hope that most of your questions have been answered.  And if not, please feel free to reach out to me.

Grace Evitt
Midwest Tango Festival 2016 - Minneapolis, MN

P.S.  Here are a few items of unfinished business:
       - table/chair rentals - looking for 20 30" rounds and at least 80 chairs, already negotiating with local rental companies, but if anyone has a contact or a referral, final decisions haven't been made and I'd be happy to at least check it out
       - people interested in hosting out-of-town visitors, please contact Fran Howley

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