Wednesday, January 31, 2018

[TSOM-Announce] Fwd: Tango & I stuff to talk about in February👠👞💗

Ready? Set? Go!

It's about time! we have our new location at "The Flying Pig" Studio. We are thrilled to start fresh with so many new ideas! Tea and Tango practica, for example, we have added an extra hour on Saturday mornings, where coffee and tea is  available.  While we are starting  classes this month, we will have the grand opening in March, so  keep your eyes open for specials that are coming your way! Honestly, finding a new place to dance  is not easy. As it turns out  there are many many beautiful creative spaces in the Twin Cities. But, a place where one can park their car, has a floor that is made to dance on (very different from a simple nice smooth surface) A welcoming place for all who want to learn to dance and to have  the time slots that we wanted. We are so very pleased  to have found  a mindful and openhearted studio like the Flying Pig. A studio created  just for us all!! Especially to learn the social part of dancing and to socialize while learning.  We might adjust our Tango & I program and curriculum some this year, simply because we can. 

Welcome back to all of you!!


February at Tango & I

Starting Wednesday February 7
Bring your shoes that pivot, your willingness to hug people, your smile and come and dance with us at Tango & I!
Did you know that you too can learn to lead AND follow, so you understand the dance better plus you will never be sitting out in class waiting it out until your opposite role is available. Team work, partnership, followership, leadership and communication That's what it is all about in our  classes!
Morgan, Megan, Avery, Marcy  and Sabine are your tango facilitators. They too, are learning both roles, they too are always open to new tango sensations.
We welcome you in our Tango classes with open arms (al the better to embrace you)

6232 Lyndale Ave S, Richfield MN ( right off the 62 crossroads  Lyndale exit ramp)
Beginner classes 
Wed-days 6.30 pm
Sat-days 10 am (Note feb 3 NO CLASS)
Our Curriculum

All Level Classes
Wed-days 7.30 pm
Level A: Close Embrace Classics
Level B: Boleos, lovely embellishments by followers invited by leaders - the how and why 

Intermediate/Advanced Classes
Wed-days 8.30
Boleos inside out - following up on what we teach in the Level B classes, refining, adding elegance, style and music to the Boleo.

Saturday February 3 @ Tango & I studio 11 - 1
All following Saturdays @ the Flying Pig 11 - 2

more detailed  info

stay updated: LIKE US on Facebook 


Private lessons? Why yes!!

I am back from the Netherlands and still have time slots available!!! Also evening time slots ( which usually go fast)

Book your private lesson now - compare agendas - and sent me an email with your preferred time and date . Book here

See you soon!    Sabine Ibes

One more practica at Tango & I Studio

Susan McKenna is hosting the practica from 11 till 1 at the homestudio of Tango & I - 5816 Pleasant Ave, Minneapolis
Saturday February 3

Argentine Tango in the Netherlands.

Did you know that you can dance the Argentine Tango in almost every country in the world? While I am staying in the Netherlands I do not have to miss out dancing here or there. Argentine Tango came to the Netherlands  via Paris, around 1913/1914 In The Hague ( Den Haag)  people could see the Argentine Tango while drinking  their tea of having a fancy supper. Trying to teach this dance was a whole other matter all together. Argentine Tango was not deemed proper at all, male and female being pushed together , knees touching, and upper bodies intertwined, as it was described in early news paper articles. A dancehall in Rotterdam (see picture) had an ingenious system; when the red light came  on, the orchestra and dancers needed to make their  immediate escape.This was needed since their were regular inspections for improper behavior. This worked for about 2 years! The big hall was closed down. The  dance did remain, but was not made popular until the eighties. When Argentinian political refugees came to  the Netherlands.

In the city of Nijmegen, where  I grew up and went to  school for 21 years, the tango was introduces again  by Eric Jorrison, who founded "El Corte"  He started in the  eighties himself, and is a respected tango teacher all over the  world today.

this upcoming weekend I  will be dancing at the famous "chained salon" at El Corte. IF I get  in: a free tango weekend that is hosted by the organization about 6 times a year. People visit from all over the  world, no registration; just a line of dancers at the door  with the hope they make it in before it reaches 250 dancers.

Tango on,  no matter where you are, tango on.

Practice Tango & Mingle

Starting Saturday February 10, we will add one extra hour  to our weekly practica!   From 11 till 2 . Coffee and Tea (and some occasional goodies) will be served. Stay to chat about anything really, or dance a little longer with your tango homies.
Only $8 ( or buy a  practica package 11 for $80 )

Upcoming events

Melina Brufman has been Sabine's tango teacher for over 10 years. Melina is  a force to be reckoned with. Her knowledge of body  movement is sublime, and makes her such a strong leader and follower and tango performer. She will be in town for about 10 days. Teaching our regular classes on Wednesday evenings, and adding to our practicas on Saturday mornings. Available for private lessons contact Sabine here First 10 days in  April 

Copyright © 2018 Tango and I, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:


Saturday, January 27, 2018

[TSOM-Announce] Tango after the apocalypse!

Dear Tango Friends,

The End of Times Snowfall has passed, and it is Tango time!!

With the Snowpocalypse squarely behind us, we dance onward  J

Our apologies to anyone who braved the insane conditions last week. We are humbled by your tango dedication!


This week , we will have a Share a Move event, and a Blue Moon special.

Please come on the floor this Monday to share your best, most interesting, or even most frustrating Tango insights with each other. As is now our custom, you may win one of 2 single class passes for the visiting Maestros Pablo and Ludmilla. (You might check out their video in the links below.  If I could just steal  1% , one tiny percent of their magic….!


Also, with thanks to Fred Gommels of Blue Moon, we have  a special discount for Desperados who wish to attend Pablo and Ludmilla workshops in Rochester next month. I was unfamiliar with them, but when I saw the video on BlueMoon’s page I knew I needed to get familiar. (View the 2nd clip of them dancing in particular)


We have up to 5 tickets for a three class package for $15 less than early bird, and 2 full passes available for $20 less than early bird.  We are grateful to Fred Gommels and BlueMoon Ballroom for extending this generous offer to our Desperados.


Just to close out this astronomical deal, it turns out that on 31 Jan, the Wednesday, we will have a Blue Moon in the Sky, and it will move into Total Eclipse!! (Like my brain)    And it may turn red!    And it is nearly a super moon!!

Zowie!!  Clearly the universe is saying something here.  After long and arduous study,  I have interpreted this cosmic message. It is …


Put on your shoes and dance!!!


Full moon viewing details below….


Our best wishes always,

Scott, Michael and your friends at Desperados


Tango Desperados


The Eagles Aerie

25th Avenue and 25th Street

Southeast Minneapolis


Small Ballroom, Monday Evenings, 7:30 p.m. until 10:00 ish!

Drop-In Rate -- $5.00

Quarterly, 13-Week Subscription Rate -- $40.00


Friday, January 26, 2018

[TSOM-Announce] Tango con~Fusion - SATURDAY


One last lap around the DanceLife Floor

Milonga Tango con~Fusion



This will be the last Tango con~Fusion
at DanceLife Ballroom
6015 Lyndale Ave. So.
Minneapolis, MN 55419
(next month we move to our new location)


Planning a FUN Evening of music and dancing

Saturday, January 27
FREE Mini Lesson at 9:00pm


Dancing from 9:30 until 1:00am
Your host and DJ: Paul Lohman


Snacks and beverages provided but feel free to add to the table


Classic Argentine Tangos with (con)
a sprinkling of Alternative/Nuevo/Fusion

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

[TSOM-Announce] Board meeting -- Thurs, Jan. 25, 7 p.m.

Hello TSoM members,

We will hold our first public meeting as your 2018 TSoM board on Thursday, 1/25, from 7 to 8 p.m., at Lunds & Byerlys Northeast, 25 University Ave. S.E., Minneapolis (near Surdyks).

1.  Welcome/Introductions
2.  Updates from past president/board
3.  Board member roles and responsibilities
4.  Details for 2018 TSoM milongas
5.  TSoM events and opportunities
6.  Long-range plans and goals
7.  Future board meetings

My best, 
President Oo, a.k.a. Pauline 

[TSOM-Announce] Tango con~Fusion - SATURDAY


Milonga Tango con~Fusion



This will be the last Tango con~Fusion
at DanceLife Ballroom
6015 Lyndale Ave. So.
Minneapolis, MN 55419
(next month we move to our new location)


Saturday, January 27
FREE Mini Lesson at 9:00pm


Dancing from 9:30 until 1:00am
Your host and DJ: Paul Lohman


Snacks and beverages provided but feel free to add to the table


Classic Argentine Tango
with a sprinkling of Alternative/Nuevo/Fusion (con~Fusion)

Monday, January 22, 2018

[TSOM-Announce] Milonga Mala Yunta this Friday

Hola tangueros,
I hope everybody is safe, warm and be able to enjoy the snow!  It looks pretty nice from the window!

This Friday, Jan 26th is "viernes de Mala Yunta", and Paulino Brener will offer an "intro to zapateo" class, or "zapateo for chacarera", from 9:15pm-9:45pm, so if you want to learn the basics of zapateo, come early!!  This is included with your admission to the milonga.

What is "zapateo"?  zapateo is the stomp performed by men when women sway holding their skirts with both hands.  NOTE: open to men and women.  Just make sure to wear comfortable flat shoes.

DJ: Rebecca Orrison

At Four Seasons Dance Studio: 1637 Hennepin Ave S, Minneapolis, 55403

General admission: $10 (full time students $5)

Zapateo starts at 9:15pm until 9:45pm

Milonga starts 9:45pm until1:00am

And as usual, champagne raffle, delicious snacks, drinks, friends, tango and "tanda de chacarera"

Los esperamos!

[TSOM-Announce] Tango with Loisa : February! Classes, PV, David Chiu workshop, etc

Regular Group Lessons Class and Event Calendar
  • Tuesday: Beginning Tango 6:30-7:45PM - Intermed: 7:45-9 PM
  • Thursday: Advanced tango, 7:30-9PM 
  • Saturday: Beginning tango 10:00 - 11:30AM
  • Regular Saturday workshops in essential topics
Regular Public Dances
  • Tuesday Tango Party 9:00  Milonga with talk, food and wine, 3142 1st Ave S, 55408. $5

Classes this Month: February is Milonga Month!! Every class, all month will be on the very fun dance of milonga (with maybe a little vals, too). I am excited - milonga is so good for your tango! If you are beginning, it can be easier to get the walk, embrace, and understand the music in milonga than in tango. Many of my students who started with milonga do better overall in their learning. If you are already intermediate or advanced, you have to be comfortable with milonga - or, well - you're not going to be able to advance for long if you can't comfortably do such an important part of the tango lexicon. 

I am going to Puerto Vallarta from Jan 25 to Feb 4 to teach some tango workshops, and get a little vacation. But don't worry - the Tuesday Jan 30 classes will be covered by our very own Augusto Morrrone. He will start Milonga Month with all the basics. Augusto is great at milonga, so you will learn a lot! Saturday morning there will be a practica - this was really popular while I was in Buenos Aires. Come and check it out! Practica Saturdays Jan 27 and Feb 3rd at 10AM. 

Special Event!!  Upcoming:  David Chiu is visiting MN Feb 10th! Workshops at 1:30 He and his partner Nance are only here for a day, so we are going to plan a workshop on "Colgadas and Volcadas for the Social Floor" Let me know if you are attending. 
"David Chiu is an inspirational, innovative and cutting edge tango Instructor based in Los Angeles. His students get immediate results in a fun and nurturing learning environment. David's clear teaching and keen eye guide his students to incorporate new movement in their bodies easily. His style combines classic elegance with Nuevo in close embrace. David has been dancing for 17 years and teaching tango for the last 14 years. He has studied extensively with Juan Carlos & Johana Copes, Osvaldo Zotto & Lorena Ermocida and Gustavo Naveira & Giselle Anne.  Additionally, playing piano since the age of four, gives David the ability to guide his students in the use of musicality in their dancing. He has been a featured International Performer at Tango Festivals in Taiwan and Korea. He also choreographed for Dancing With the Stars, Season III.He has won the New York City Tango Festival Competition.Here is a video:"

Tuesday Party: Every Tuesday at 9, after the lessons. It's perfect - after working so hard at a lesson, you get to hang out and talk with your fellow students, have something to eat and drink, try out what you learned and meet others from the tango community.  All without reparking or a big check to pay. COme on over and check it out! $5 suggested.

Are you on my weekly email list? You should try it! Sign up here:
Dance Boutique

Tango Boutique!

Clothes, shoes and accessories for the dancer.  Clothes that fit, stay on, have color, flow beautifully, with real style.  And great prices! Shoes from $40 to $150, including some great values in preowned.  All clothes under $100. Come and shop during parties and get an unbiased opinion from seasoned tango dancers. :)
Buenos Aires milonga

Buenos Aires!

Time to plan for 2018~ if you want to go on my tour! The next trip will be in November to December. Pick the dates that work for you and let me know so I can arrange housing. I'll need to know for sure, with a deposit, by the first of August. Limited space is available, so that I can give you the attention you deserve. We have so much fun!
Copyright © 2018 Dance with Lois Donnay, All rights reserved.
Our address is:
Dance with Lois Donnay
3142 1st Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55408

Add us to your address book